
Europe remains a significant market for US investors, and the capital available in the US is attractive to European fund managers. The US is also a significant market for international investors. Investment funds outside the US that have US investors or US investments face complicated reporting requirements.


Fund managers in Europe are attracted to the capital potentially available from US-based investors, but they may be wary of the additional structuring and reporting requirements.

US investors may be concerned about the type of investments the funds are making, including whether they are regarded as Passive Foreign Investment Companies (PFICs) for US tax purposes. Or they may be concerned with any leverage that the funds take on in making acquisitions and whether this creates unrelated business taxable income (UBTI). CFOs of funds that already have US investors are concerned about the rising cost of US reporting and the timely delivery of reporting to their investors. They also like to have access to US advice in assessing the impact of potential transactions on US investors.

USTAXFS offers its clients a fee-sensitive and efficient US tax compliance solution while ensuring they meet fund and investor US tax reporting requirements on time.

Whether you are looking to establish a new fund, 筹集新资金, 满足合规性报告要求, 或者计划退出, we provide a customized service at every stage of a fund’s lifecycle. We also work with a network of law firms that provide legal services in setting up funds and other considerations, 比如市场营销.


  • 私人股本
  • 风险资本
  • 房地产
  • 基础设施
  • 私人债务/信贷


  • 投资结构(股权vs. 债务)
  • 退出策略计划
  • Limitations on attributes (deductibility of losses)
  • 买方尽职调查(税务风险)
  • Assisting the fund with its obligations under 新法 & CRS
  • 合伙代表服务


Investment 基金 with US investors and/or US investments may have extensive US tax reporting requirements. To navigate the extremely complex US tax system, our dedicated team offers customized services including structuring, 澳门官方老葡京吸纳美国投资者的建议, 美国的税收合规以及支持彻底退出. We specialise in K-1 and K-3 reporting for investors, PFIC analysis and testing and CFCs (Controlled Foreign 公司) reporting.

Dedicated team of fund-focused US tax professionals

The US remains an important market for finding investors and for US investments by European funds (in fact, 美国以外的任何基金). To navigate the extremely complex US tax system, our dedicated team of highly experienced fund-focused US tax professionals offer customized services for every stage of a fund’s lifecycle. This includes structuring and 澳门官方老葡京吸纳美国投资者的建议.

澳门官方老葡京 讨论我们能帮上什么忙.